The core mission of MMI is to provide Health, Healing, and Hope to the world's sick, suffering, and needy people.


MMI attacks the root causes of sickness and disease to promote overall health

medical review

MMI is commited to first response medical intervention in crisis situations

MMI focuses on the poorest, most desperate countries of the developing world


About Us

Making life better for needy people through life-giving medical aid.



MMI is an independent, non-profit charity that provides life-saving medical assistance through the MMI Mednet--an effective, proven concept in global health care.


MMI is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) designed to assist independent, community-based health care providers working in harmony with government and public health officials.


MMI respects patient's rights as a non-sectarian organisation that provides its services to all who seek help regardless of race, religion, nationality, age or gender.